
Fashion Week: An Event That Evolves Every Year

During the last few years we have heard the terms FASHION WEEK and FASHION SHOW Very often in the mass media. Everyone knows that these fashion events set trends on what to wear during the different seasons of the year. However, few know the true importance of these events and the influence they have on society. To begin with, fashion week is an event that shows the most important fashion trends, according to each season of the year: Fall-Winter and Spring-Summer. The attendees of these events are basically fashion designers, stylists and editors of the most important fashion magazines.

Each FASHION WEEK Is held in the main capitals of the world: Paris, Milan, London and New York. Over the last few years, other cities such as Tokyo, Sao Paulo, Los Angeles, Madrid and Berlin have joined in, all of which make valuable contributions to fashion. Each FASHION SHOW is starred by the most influential models in the industry, making each event very attractive to social networks and mass media. Designers showcase their latest creations, dictating what will be worn that season. Each FASHION WEEK is also a tourist event for the host city, generating high income for the local population.

Until a few years ago, every FASHION WEEK was limited exclusively to fashion, but that has completely changed. Today each FASHION WEEK Is an event that is accompanied by musical concerts, charity galas, celebrity appearances, among others. Each FASHION WEEK also has exhibitions of shoes, sneakers, handbags, jewelry and various fashion accessories. People who love fashion but do not work in the industry can also be part of the event. Each year tickets are sold to attend the various FASHION SHOWS To anticipate the upcoming trends. The key is to choose the clothes that best suit each style and enjoy fashion to the fullest.